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Dealing With PTSD

Dealing with PTSD

Today I watched a clip from BBC that someone posted on facebook this morning.  It included a number of mothers who suffered from post traumatic stress upon giving birth to their baby.  I felt sad and helpless, but I wasn’t surprised how many woman are effected by this awful disease.  There was one statement that really stuck in my head…”there is no right birth and there is no perfect journey”.  Every mother I know has had a different journey than…

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War Secrets

War Secrets

These are my TOP 10 war secrets that I live by in creating a healthy and safe sleep environment for children. Black Out Curtains - Keep it dark for both naps and bedtime! Sound Machine - Keep white noise on for naps, bedtime and throughout the night. Put Down Drowsy, but Awake – Easier said than done, but it will really help your baby learn to sleep independently. No Nightlights, unless you're clumsy like me.  Even a little light can…

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It’s Not As Easy As We Thought!

It’s Not As Easy As We Thought!

When my son was born, I thought I had it all figured out.  I was confident that I knew exactly what it took to start a family… what a shock. People would tell me to sleep as much as I could before the baby was born because I would “never sleep again”!  How is it possible that this little baby would deprive me of sleep?  It didn’t make sense to me!  Things became a little more unpredictable when I got…

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Almost everyone I know has one or two must-have items they just can’t leave the house without.  Lip chap and hand cream are on top of my list! Now, when I travel with my two (sometimes high maintenance) children, there are a few things I just can’t forget to take along with me.  2-3 extra pairs of clothes, pajamas, their tooth brush, fluoride free tooth paste, diapers (up until we cut them out completely), wipes, socks, noise machine, monitor, their…

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Tell Me You’re Not Guilty!

Tell Me You’re Not Guilty!

It’s normal to want some time for ourselves!  I have two children of my own and when my first was born, I felt I needed to spend EVERY.SINGLE.MOMENT with him.  I would feel guilty if I took a nap because I was missing time with him. “Sleep when your baby sleeps”…how do you even do that?  I didn’t understand when people said that to me.  Who was going to do the laundry or cook dinner?  The time when my baby…

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Benefits Of A Sleeping Baby

Benefits Of A Sleeping Baby

One of the main benefits of a well-rested baby is that the baby is happier and easier to care for.  If your baby is getting enough sleep, so are you and the rest of your family.  I know the feeling of bringing home a newborn from the hospital and feeling exhausted and emotional within days!  I felt like I wasn’t being the mom I wanted to be for my baby. It was definitely affecting my family and I. Like adults,…

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