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About Me

My name is Anita Patel and I am the Founder of Hush Baby Hush – Pediatric Sleep Consulting.  As a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and a mother of two, I cannot begin to explain the passion that I have for working with families from all over the world to create healthy sleep solutions for their children. I have the opportunity to share my own sleep conditioning experiences and educate others on sleep methods and techniques that are guaranteed to help improve the quality of sleep in children.  For the sleep-deprived parents, I am here to help you too!  When your child is sleeping, you will too!

Fatigue, anxiety, doubt and distress are just some of the emotions parents go through when their child is suffering from poor sleep habits.  It can be both mentally and physically exhausting when trying to solve sleep troubles for your child on your own. I am happy to say that my knowledge, education and experience allow me to successfully coach parents through the process of creating good sleep habits for their children.

My Story

One of the most beautiful and memorable moments in my life was when my first baby was born and I became a mom! I was extremely excited to care and nurture my baby and raise him as best I could. While I was pregnant with my first, I was often reminded by my family and friends that my sleeping days were coming to an end and that I should enjoy each and every moment before my baby was born. Fast forward a couple of months and before I knew it my son was born! I was so in love and I could not believe how someone so precious was mine forever.

Within a few months, I was feeling exhausted as I was unable to get one night of restful sleep. I was up every 3 hours throughout the night and started my day at 5:30 AM, 7 days a week. This continued until my son was 6 months old.

I did some research online to find ways to get my son to sleep more throughout the day and night, but I was overwhelmed and confused with the amount of information that was available online. Out of desperation, I tried a handful of sleeping techniques, but I was not successful. It was at 8 months when I finally came to my senses and took the advice of a great friend who walked me through the entire sleep conditioning process and referred me to a Sleep Consultant. After a few nights of implementing the sleep plan that was created by my Sleep Consultant, I was able to effortlessly put my son down to sleep at 8 PM in his crib. No rocking, no pacifier… but some cuddles and kisses. I said “goodnight, I love you” and I left his room. My son slept for 12 hours straight! When my son slept, I slept and that gave me a whole new perspective on being a mother!

Fast-forward 2 years… my beautiful daughter was born. She slept great during the day, but woke up consistently throughout the night. I was not going to wait 8 months to create good sleep habits with her like I did with my son. It was a challenge to care for both my son and my newborn daughter at the time as I found myself sleep deprived once again. Like all moms, I wanted to be the best mom I could be and I was not going to let sleep get in the way.  I started to slowly implement gentle sleep techniques to improve her sleeping patterns and worked hard at creating a conducive sleep environment for her.  I was surprised to see how quickly my daughter was able to change her sleep pattern in just a few short days. I knew she was ready. By 6 months, I implemented a full sleep training plan for my daughter and since then she has been a great sleeper!

I understand the significance of having restful, good quality sleep for you and your entire family. Upon implementing good sleep habits with my own children, I started offering my friends and family sleep solutions for their children. I was overwhelmed with the gratitude and appreciation I received from family members and friends for offering them advice in regards to sleep conditioning. It was rewarding to see the difference I was making in helping others overcome the same challenges I faced as a new mom. The amount of support and motivation I received, encouraged me to begin a career as a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant. I am certified through the Institute of Pediatric Sleep and Parenting, which is approved by the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT). All the techniques and methods I implement are backed by science, as well, all my customized sleep plans allow you to offer comfort and reassurance throughout the entire journey while working together. I will never ask you to stop nursing, bottle feeding, or night wean if this is something you wish to continue during. I will ensure you are comfortable during the entire process.

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