Are you uncertain whether or not you should sleep train your baby?
As a new mom, I was hesitant to implement sleep strategies in order to have my 8-month-old sleep longer than a 2-3 hour stretch at night. It took me quite some time to find a method of sleep training that my husband and I felt comfortable with – a gentle to intermediate method. I found a method that allowed us to comfort our baby and it worked great! By the third night, my son was sleeping throughout the night and he didn’t wake up once! I felt great knowing that I did something great for my son and for my family. I was naive to believe that lack of sleep caused maternal depression and was linked to behavior problems in young children.
Our main goals for sleep training were to teach my son how to self-sooth to eliminate middle of the night wake ups. We were ready to wean him off from night feeds as he was waking up for comfort rather than hunger. The biggest self-realization I experienced upon implementing sleep training was seeing how happy he was when he woke up in the morning. He was cheerful, high energy and excited. I saw the effects of sleep training and good sleep and it made me understand that it is never too late to start good sleep habits. My husband and I got our sleep back too – that was HUGE bonus!
For all you parents that are skeptical about sleep training like I was, click on the following links below.
Contact me for a free consultation and let me help find a solution for you and your family that works!
Anita Patel
Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant
(416) 885-2235